Monday, June 11, 2007



  • Most common causes: A common mnemonic for the causes of pancreatitis is:
    ........1. I -
    ........2. G -
    gallstone. Gallstones that travel down the common bile duct and which subsequently get stuck in the Ampulla of Vater can cause obstruction in the outflow of pancreatic juices from the pancreas into the duodenum. The backflow of these digestive juices causes lysis (dissolving) of pancreatic cells and subsequent pancreatitis.
    ........3. E -
    ethanol (alcohol)
    ........4. T -
    ........5. S -
    ........6. M-
    mumps (paramyxovirus) and other viruses (Epstein-Barr virus, Cytomegalovirus)
    ........7. A -
    autoimmune disease (Polyarteritis nodosa, Systemic lupus erythematosus)
    ........8. S -
    scorpion sting - Tityus Trinitatis - Trinidad/ snake bite
    ........9. H -
    hypercalcemia, hyperlipidemia/hypertriglyceridemia and hypothermia
    ......10. E -
    ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography - a form of endoscopy)
    .......11. D-
    (SAND) And Duodenal Ulcers
    .................. a. S -Steroids and Sulphonamides
    ...................b. A- Azathiopine
    ...................c. N - NSAIDS
    ...................d. D - Diuretics such as:
    ..............................1. Furosemide
    ..............................2. Thiazides
    ..............................3. Didanosine
  • Less common causes
    .......,1. pancreas divisum
    ........2. long common duct
    ........3. carcinoma of the head of pancreas, and other cancer
    ........4. ascaris blocking pancreatic outflow
    ........5. ischemia from bypass surgery
    ........6. fatty necrosis
    ........7. pregnancy
    ........8. infections other than mumps, including varicella zoster
    ........9. repeated marathon running.
  • Causes by demographic:
    ........1. Western countries - chronic alcoholism and gallstones accounting for more than 85% of all cases
    ........2. Eastern countries - gallstones
    ........3. Children - trauma
    ........4. Adolescents and young adults - mumps

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